Friends of the Marsh House support this historical project with volunteer time and / or financial contributions. If you would like to become a Friends member, call 706-638-5187 or mail the information below with your donation.
- Name
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Volunteer Interests
Friends of the Marsh House
PO Box 722
La Fayette, GA 30728
Friends Annual Memberships
$500 – $999 Silver
$250 – $499 Bronze
$100 – $249 Marsh House Supporter
$50 – $99 Marsh House Neighbor
$10 – $49 Marsh House Friend
$5 – $9 Student or Senior Citizen
$1 Children (Age 10 or younger.)
Volunteer to become an interpreter!
Become a historic interpreter (docent) to share the stories of the origins of La Fayette, Walker County, the Marsh-Warthen family, and the Marsh House. Get valuable training in history, historic preservation, and public relations. Serve your community and help preserve this historic home and site.
Fill out an application to become a volunteer by copying and pasting the link below into your browser→
PO Box 722
La Fayette, GA 30728
or leave it at the Marsh House during open hours.